Cerebral Palsy
Brooklyn Cerebral Palsy Lawyers Peters, Berger, Koshel & Goldberg, P.C.
Cerebral Palsy refers to a group of disorders that impact brain and nervous system function, affecting movement, hearing, seeing, thinking, and learning. Such cases are complicated, and very serious, and victims and their families require the assistance of an expert Brooklyn Cerebral Palsy lawyer if they are to win the compensation needed to afford the extensive medical care that can be necessary for the victim’s entire life.
The Brooklyn Cerebral Palsy lawyers at Peters Berger Koshel & Goldberg, P.C. have an excellent track record when it comes to winning complicated cases. They have the medical background to understand the intricacies of cerebral palsy cases, and the tenacity to defeat the insurance companies’ lawyers that will try to deny victims the compensation they deserve.

What Is Cerebral Palsy?
Cerebral palsy is an often-serious medical condition that affects the nervous system and brain function. While cerebral palsy can occur during pregnancy, many cases occur during labor and delivery due to the negligence of medical staff.
Cerebral palsy symptoms may not present themselves until the child is older. It affects each person differently. Some patients can walk and have near-normal intellect, while others may have learning difficulties and be unable to move.
There are several types of cerebral palsy that affect children, and each has different signs and symptoms. A diagnosis can mean lifelong challenges for the children and their parents. Read on to learn more about what to expect if you are diagnosed.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy?
Babies with cerebral palsy will experience developmental delays. They may not reach milestones such as sitting up, rolling over, crawling or walking. They may have rigid or stiff muscles and may not be able to bring their hands together.
Many babies also experience seizures, drooling, difficulty swallowing and speech difficulties. As children get older and start going to school, they may also experience learning difficulties, urinary incontinence, oral diseases and mental health conditions. They may also have trouble with vision and hearing.
Those with cerebral palsy tend to favor one side of the body. They may use only one hand or leg. They may also walk abnormally by using an asymmetrical gait or walking on tiptoes.
What Are the Different Types of Cerebral Palsy That Affect Children?
Children tend to have one of these three main types of cerebral palsy:
This occurs when the brain suffers only a slight impairment. When a child has this form of cerebral palsy, the symptoms are mild and not easy to recognize. For example, a child may have trouble reaching some milestones. A child may have precise hand skills but be unable to lift heavy objects. Mild cerebral palsy requires early treatment, but on the other hand, the symptoms can be hard to recognize.
Spastic cerebral palsy is the most common form of cerebral palsy. It involves stiff muscles, making it unable for children to relax them. Movements often look jerky. Spasticity occurs when neurons in the brain are damaged. This leads to increased muscle tone, making the limbs difficult to move.
Athetoid cerebral palsy is caused by lesions formed on the brain during development. Brain injuries are the most common cause. This form of cerebral palsy makes it difficult for children to control the muscles in their body. A child’s arms or legs may suddenly move. Coordination and balance may be difficult.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are the Causes of Cerebral Palsy?
Cerebral palsy occurs when brain development is interrupted. It tends to happen before the child is even born. Some common cerebral palsy causes include the following:
- Gene mutations that cause the brain to develop abnormally
- Fetal strokes that interrupt blood supply to the baby’s developing brain
- Maternal infections that travel from the pregnant woman to the fetus
- Lack of oxygen or misuse of instruments during labor or delivery
- Infant infections that occur after birth and cause inflammation in the baby’s brain
- Traumatic brain injury caused by the baby suffering a blow to the head, such as that caused by a fall or car accident
There are also many risk factors involved. Cerebral palsy has a higher risk of occurring in the following situations:
- Premature birth
- Multiple babies
- Low birth weight
- Breech birth
- Complicated labor and delivery
- Blood type incompatibility between baby and mother
How Can Cerebral Palsy Be the Result of Doctor Error?
- An estimated 20% of Cerebral Palsy cases are caused during delivery
- Cerebral Palsy can occur in connection with a doctor not diagnosing the need for a cesarean section (surgical delivery of the baby) before irreparable damage can occur
- Head trauma can also occur through the use of vacuums or other mechanical devices used during delivery
What Does a Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis Mean?
Raising a child is no easy task for any parent, and the life of a child with cerebral palsy is full of many challenges for both the child and the parents. Because cerebral palsy is caused by brain damage, many children tend to have other conditions such as vision and hearing problems. Epilepsy, chronic pain, mental health disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are also common among those with a cerebral palsy diagnosis.
Cerebral palsy can range from mild to severe. No two cases are exactly alike. Therefore, proper medical treatment is essential so that the parents can truly understand the issues the child is currently facing and will face in the future.
Cerebral palsy tends to affect mobility the most, although more than 65 percent of those with this condition are able to walk on their own or with some form of assistive device. In addition, 75 percent can communicate verbally.
Going to a traditional school is often a challenge for children with cerebral palsy. These children tend to be bullied and left out of activities. Parents need to be proactive and fight for their children’s education.
Are There Treatments for Cerebral Palsy?
While there is no cure for cerebral palsy, there are many treatments available that can help your child live a fairly normal life. Physical therapy, medications, surgeries, assistive devices, and alternative therapy are just some of the cerebral palsy treatments available. Your child will be working with a team of professionals to help treat the condition. This team may include pediatricians, physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, speech therapists, nutritionists, and psychologists.
Finding a Great Cerebral Palsy Attorney Near You
Insurance companies are aware that Peters Berger Koshel & Goldberg, P.C.’s Brooklyn Cerebral Palsy lawyers have very strong courtroom experience and a well-earned reputation for winning extremely favorable outcomes for their clients. Victims and their families need to seek proper compensation for their injuries.
Peters Berger Koshel & Goldberg, P.C. specialize in personal injury, medical malpractice, birth injury, and Cerebral Palsy cases. Our extensive experience in this field has given us the knowledge and ability to successfully try such lawsuits, and a long list of multimillion-dollar awards and settlements speaks to our courtroom prowess.
We are proud of the work we’ve done to ensure comfort and proper medical care for our clients. Holding hospitals and medical professionals responsible for their actions helps ensure better outcomes for other parents and infants.
Why You Need a Brooklyn Cerebral Palsy Lawyer
Sadly, Cerebral Palsy is often triggered by birth injuries that result from the negligence of a doctor, midwife, nurse, or other healthcare professional or institution. Delivery instruments can be misused, causing bleeding in the baby’s brain, or fractures to the infant’s skull. During labor and delivery oxygen shortages in the baby’s brain are misinterpreted or ignored. Tragically, the failure to quickly remedy the lack of oxygen can cause brain injury and result in Cerebral Palsy.
Expert Cerebral Palsy attorneys must be aware of the complicated medical factors that play a role in each case, be able to identify the responsible party or parties, and willing to wage battle against the insurance companies that will attempt to protect their interests at the expense of the victims quality of life.
Once it is determined that a child has sustained Cerebral Palsy that may be the result of negligence, it is important to immediately consult with an attorney. They will need to document every single detail of the case and waiting too long can result in the loss of crucial evidence and the expiration of the statute of limitations.
The Brooklyn Cerebral Palsy lawyers at Peters Berger Koshel & Goldberg, P.C. will analyze the details and work out a plan for your case, drawing upon our years of experience to determine the strategy for obtaining maximum compensation. The information that you provide will be crucial in helping our attorneys fight your case in court or negotiate a full and fair settlement.
You will need to consult with a doctor about the injuries your child suffered and discuss what options there are for treatment. Our Brooklyn Cerebral Palsy lawyers will review the medical records and enlist the assistance of medical experts to help build a successful case.
Contact Peters, Berger, Koshel & Goldberg, P.C.
Contact Peters Berger Koshel & Goldberg, P.C. to get the compensation and justice that you and your loved ones deserve. Call us at 347-384-8248 for a free consultation.